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About Us

Integrating the Best of Conventional with Natural Medicine

At the Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine we strive to become your partner in health. Our mission is to inspire and empower you to live extraordinary lives by nourishing yourself from the inside out. We support you and help you discover a personalized, integrative approach for both men and women to optimize vitality and vibrant health. We test, identify and treat imbalances of hormones, vitamins, micronutrients as well as remove obstacles to healing such as toxins, allergens, and heavy metals. We look for and find the root cause. By treating the whole person, our programs optimize immune function, decrease illiness and enhance the positive outcome for health and well being. Our functional approach truly provides a bridge to health, hope, and healing.

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    We know your wellness is your priority. That’s why we offer only the highest quality pharmaceutical grade supplements in our private label as well as reputable brands for your wellness routine.

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    Recent Blog Posts

    What is Peptide Therapy?

    Peptide therapy is the targeted use of peptides to produce a specific reaction in the body. Some peptides stimulate the production of human growth hormone and are utilized in anti-aging therapies or to increase muscle mass. Others have been shown to reduce inflammation. Some peptides can assist  with weight loss by stimulating the breakdown of visceral fat.

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    Special Therapy

    New !

    Rapid Vitamin Push

    A combination of 24 vitamins, minerals and amino acids that is administered as an IV push over 1-2 minutes. Perfect for our busy lifestyles! The replenishment we need without having to drip for 30-60 minutes.