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What to Expect

natural choiceYour first office visit will typically last 45-90 minutes. We ask that you set aside 2 hours of your time. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by our front desk and go through a brief check-in process. If you have not completed the new patient paperwork online, you will have to complete it before you are seen by the provider. If you have recent laboratory results or test results from other practitioners that pertain to the visit, please be sure to make a copy for yourself and another set for us to retain in your chart.

Once you are checked in, our trained medical staff will obtain vitals as well as a body composition analysis which gives us information about your basal metabolic rate, body mass index, hydration and integrity of your cells. They will also review any prescription medications and nutritional supplements you are taking, therefore, bringing in a detailed list of all medications/supplements you are currently taking is beneficial to ensure it is done in a timely and accurate manner.

Next, you will have a detailed consultation with your provider that will last 45-60 minutes. The detailed medical history form that you filled out prior to your visit is reviewed. Your main health concerns will be discussed at length, giving you ample opportunity to voice your concerns and questions. Before the end of your visit, your provider will give you a written protocol of their recommendations and plan of treatment. Basic laboratory testing, urinalysis and some specialized laboratory testing may be recommended. Most patients are offered an initial protocol consisting of nutritional supplementation, dietary and life style recommendations.

A follow up visit is typically scheduled 6-8 weeks after the initial visit and can take about 45 minutes-1 hour. In the interim, the recommended testing is completed by you, either at our office, at a lab, or at home if you are given test kits. Some therapies offered at the center may also be initiated. At the follow-up visit, a comprehensive review is completed with you and our providers. They will spend one on one time with you to interpret and explain your results. Together you will explore your goals and discuss your treatment plan options. These treatment plans can be implemented using multiple modalities such as medications, hormones, diet, supplements, intravenous therapy, detoxification, behavior and lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies. Our providers will prescribe a preventative and comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Subsequent visits are made on an as needed basis.

Our team at The Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine will regularly monitor your progress and track the effectiveness of your program making adjustments if necessary. Our goal is to support you and advise you every step of the way. We work in conjunction with your existing doctors and may refer you to specialists we work with if needed to make sure you receive the best possible care and all areas of concern are appropriately addressed and evaluated.

New Patient Office Visit (45-60 minutes) -$450

1st Follow up Visit (45-60 minutes) -$325

Follow Up Visits (30 minutes) -$225

For additional services : IV Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Chelation Therapy, Prolozone Therapy, Lab Testing, Hormonal Testing, Specialized Testing and other services such as Detox Programs, Weight Loss Programs and more, please call the office