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The Role of the Liver in Detoxification: Keeping Your Body Clean

The liver is one of the body’s major organs. Located in the upper right abdomen, it plays a critical role in digestion, blood clotting, metabolism, and nutrient storage. In addition to these important functions, the liver is your body’s primary detoxifying tool. 

Read on to learn more about the liver’s role in detoxification and how it keeps your body clean. 

How Does The Liver Get Rid of Toxins?

The liver acts as the body’s filter by performing a variety of detoxifying functions, including:

  • Blood filtration: Nearly all of your body’s blood passes through the liver for filtration. As blood moves through it, the liver filters harmful substances out of the blood, including alcohol and drugs. Macrophages in the liver eradicate bacteria from the blood, preventing infections and supporting your immunity. 
  • Converting ammonia to urea: Ammonia is a toxic waste product that intestinal bacteria produce in the digestion process. Enzymes in the liver convert ammonia to urea, a less toxic substance that the body removes through urine. 
  • Bile production: The liver produces and releases bile, a fluid that supports digestion while helping your body eliminate waste. Bile converts fats into fatty acids, which the body can effectively absorb. 

Supporting Liver Function

To help your body flush out toxins, it’s essential to keep your liver healthy. Follow these tips to support your liver’s detoxifying functions:

  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which diminishes liver function. 
  • Limit your alcohol consumption, as alcohol can cause inflammation in the liver. Over time, heavy drinking can cause scarring and cirrhosis of the liver. 
  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet to maintain a healthy weight and prevent fatty liver disease. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting any new medication or supplement, as both can contribute to liver damage if taken without a physician’s supervision. 

At The Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine, our physicians offer a range of conventional and naturopathic therapies to support liver function and detoxify your body. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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