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Prolozone for Chronic Back Pain: A Holistic Approach to Spinal Health

Oxygen isn’t just vital for life: It’s also integral to your body’s natural healing and regenerative processes. If you’re one of the 16 million Americans who suffer from chronic back pain, the oxygen delivered through prolozone therapy (along with nutrients and anti-inflammatory medications) can stimulate recovery and protect the spine from further damage. 

Let’s delve into prolozone therapy, how it works, and the benefits it offers as a holistic approach to spinal health. 

What is Prolozone?

Prolozone therapy uses ozone, the most active form of oxygen, to regenerate damaged tissue. It’s a holistic, minimally invasive treatment that involves three key steps:

  • Homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications are injected into the painful area. This stimulates circulation and curbs inflammation. 
  • Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that encourage healing are also administered to the area. 
  • Oxygen (as ozone) is applied to the injured tissue.  

Oxygen helps clear out lactic acid in injured tissue, promoting recovery. But, when injured tissue doesn’t receive adequate circulation, it’s starved of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to heal. Prolozone therapy addresses this issue by flooding the targeted tissue (such as the spinal tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons) with oxygen, restoring proper circulation. 

Spinal Conditions That Benefit from Prolozone

Spinal conditions from injuries and age-related degeneration are major causes of chronic back pain. Many of these conditions respond effectively to prolozone therapy, as it promotes tissue and cartilage regeneration. Examples include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Herniated disc
  • Degenerated disc disease
  • Torn spinal tendons and ligaments

Prolozone therapy doesn’t just cover up chronic back pain or act as a “quick fix”. By re-establishing blood flow to the damaged tissue, it gets to the root of the issue and encourages repair for lasting relief. 

Interested in the benefits of prolozone therapy for spinal health? Dr. Shah at The Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine is a highly trained physician in this holistic remedy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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