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HPV & Cervical Dysplasia – Alternatives to Conventional Therapy

HPV & Cervical Dysplasia – Alternatives to Conventional Therapy

Approximately 80% of American women will become infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV) of the cervix by age 50. A robust immune system will usually clear the viral infection from the body within a few months. However, an HPV infection will linger or even progress to pre-cancerous changes (dysplasia) in a woman whose immune system is sluggish, has poor nutrition, or is exposed to a high estrogen environment, such as with the birth control pill.

Many women are now seeking non-traditional approaches to treat HPV-related cervical abnormalities, such as mild dysplasia, atypical cells, etc. Conventional therapy might include observation only or destructive therapies such as LEEP, cervical conization, laser therapy, or cyrotherapy. Many options exist. It must be emphasized, however, that these “alternative” methods are not accepted by traditional gynecologists. Only the woman herself can decide which approach to her pathway to healing is appropriate.

The basic recipe to treat mild to severe cervical dysplasia involves two key processes:

  • Boosting the immune system to ward off viral invasion
  • Eradication of precancerous cervical tissue


These steps involve several steps:

  1. Oral therapy with supplements to improve the immune system.
  2. Detoxification of excess estrogen
  3. Escharotic therapy.
  4. Vaginal suppositories of homeopathic antioxidants


The immune system can be improved by high doses of methylated B-vitamins (such as 5-10 grams of methylated folate), curcumin, selenium, reishi mushrooms, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. An extract from the aloe vera plant (“Beta-Mannan”) has been reported to help eradicate cervical dysplasia by some physicians. A Chinese herbal combo called Vagistat suppository has also been used.

Birth control pills have been linked to HPV-cervical lesions. Around 50% of sexually-active women who begin the pill will contract HPV within 4 years. The high estrogen content of synthetic estrogen can amplify the HPV DNA-transcription process, allowing the virus to multiply rapidly. In addition, viral proteins themselves can attach to the body’s estrogen receptors, adding to an estrogen-dominant state. Discontinuing the pill is considered pivotal in eradicating the HPV infection.

Estrogen metabolism is improved using a broccoli extract called indole-3-carbinol or its derivative, diindole-methane (DIM). TMG (trimethylglycine), magnesium, and SAMe also help detoxification of excess estrogen from the body.

Topical treatment to the cervix (called “escharotic” therapy) using specially prepared pastes of bloodroot (sanguinaria), bromelain, zinc chloride, and calendula, is performed in the office by the doctor twice a week for one month. Self-administered vaginal suppositories containing green tea and vitamin A will continue for another 3 weeks.

Follow-up paps are very crucial. Generally a repeat pap should be performed in 2- 3 months after the escharotic therapy and every 3 months for the first years and every 6 months in the second year. Hopefully gradual improvement or resolution of the dysplasia will be seen. However, if the paps become worse or do not improve with these methods, then standard surgical therapy (LEEP conization, etc.) should be done to prevent the development of invasive or cervical cancer.

Always choose to work with a physician who is trained and knowledgeable when seeking therapies that are other than conventional.

Thomas Moraczewski  M.D.
Integrative Gynecologist
Board Certified OB-GYN
The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine
6651 Vineland Road Suite 150
Orlando FL 32819
407 355 9246


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