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How to Detoxify With Chelation Therapy

If you eat a well-balanced diet, exercise on a regular basis, and take care of yourself, you may assume that you’re perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, due to the toxins saturating our environment, you are still vulnerable to chemicals and pollutants found [...]

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Infrared Sauna for Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue can be a debilitating disease that can cause persistent fatigue for over six months, accompanied by headaches, joint pain, memory/brain fog, muscle pain, stomach issues, and immune system problems. Those who suffer from this condition consistently get told [...]

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Fermented Foods for Gut Health

Fermented foods have been used across cultures for thousands of years, and recently they have become popular again in our culture. One of the reasons for the insurgence of these healthy foods is the fact that they are full of [...]

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