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Just Say No!

...pain, osteoporosis screening for women under 65, and electrocardiograms and other cardiac screening in low-risk patients. The physicians that are following this line of thought are not anti-medicine; They are... [...]

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Fermented Foods for Gut Health ensure that the food you are eating has been fermented correctly. Eat a Balanced Diet Diet can have such an astounding impact on overall health, but it is possible... [...]

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Naturopathic Medicine

...which minimize the risks of harmful side effects. Health or diseases come from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, enviromental, lifestyle, and other factors. In natural medicine, the... [...]

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Sleep, Anxiety, Depression

...symptoms. From that perspective, these five dietary strategies can benefit nearly every child with ADHD. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients. Chronic inflammation underlies ADHD, and the typical American diet is... [...]

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