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Food Allergies & Inflammation- A Natural Approach


Everyone has their favorite foods…. be it pizza, pastries, seafood- you name it. It seems logical that the food we love and have been eating our whole lives is something we should be eating, it should be good for us and it should love us back. Right? Unfortunately that’s not the case when it comes to food sensitivities and food allergies.

Reactions from food allergies can range from mild symptoms such as a runny nose, rashes and difficulty losing weight to potentially fatal symptoms such as impaired breathing and unconsciousness. There is no cure for food allergies; only abstention from the allergens can prevent symptoms.

Food sensitivities, also referred to as food intolerances, are being recognized more often with newer, more sensitive testing methods. The increasing use of chemicals used in food processing may be part of the cause. More subtle symptoms of food sensitivities include dull skin, muscle and joint aches, headaches, acne and the inability to lose weight.

When we are allergic to certain things, our bodies treat them as toxins which in turn prevents our digestive system from working to its full potential. We end up storing toxins in our fat cells to keep them away from our vital organs which results in water retention. In addition, our ability to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat is impaired which may cause problems in other systems in our body.

Common foods that trigger food intolerance symptoms include foods that most dieters are encouraged to eat, such as soy, fish and shellfish, whole wheat, strawberries, eggs and milk.

Here is a list of foods which may cause food allergies:


Wheat/Gluten and gluten containing products





Soy & Soy products

Ingredients in most processed foods like preservatives

One of the lesser-known side effects of food sensitivities and allergies is inflammation that can lead to weight gain. Inflamed intestinal systems can lead to fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, gas and bloating. The reaction to various foods leads to an insulin response to try to compensate for the inflammation in the gut. Higher insulin levels lead to increased fat storage and weight gain. In studies where the patient was treated by reducing exposure to various foods, they were able to quickly lose stubborn weight they previously could not lose.

An undiagnosed food allergy or sensitivity can lead to chronic symptoms, especially when the errant food is eaten on a regular basis. In addition to fat storage, other side effects of continued consumption of the food can lead to food cravings and water retention. More serious complications may eventually ensue, including chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.

The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine in Orlando provides food allergy testing, evaluation and personalized eating plans for anyone that suffers from any of these dis-eases.

On July 22nd, Judith M. went to the Center in an electric wheelchair. She was weak and fatigued all the time and had to be fed and even lifted off the toilet seat! After identifying her food allergies she was put on an anti-inflammatory diet. Just 3 months later, she has lost 35 pounds, is back working full time and going to the gym. “I have not felt this good in 25 years and am so appreciative of what Dr. Kalidas and the Center has done for me.”

If you are not feeling that good or are experiencing achy joints, acidic stomach,  headache, or just not feeling like yourself, the solution may be as simple as eliminating foods from your diet that are the “usual suspects” and tracking the results.

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