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New Medical Technology Shines At Orlando’s Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine

As the 2012 Holiday Season goes into full swing, we take this opportunity to introduce a refreshing new look and feel for our blog for the coming New Year.

We are excited about bringing you information about new technologies and recent medical developments that will soon revolutionize 21st century medicine at both the natural and the conventional levels.

New Plans

In 2013, the blog for The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine will be show casing one of our life-changing treatments and procedures each month. We believe these treatments should be more than “menu” items on a list. You require informative tools about the natural, integrative, and conventional options that can improve the quality of life for your body, mind and spirit. Providing you with those tools will be the focus of our blogs for 2013 and beyond.

A Preview of Upcoming Articles

We want to share a few highlights of some of our blogging plans for 2013. One of the blogs we have planned for you will bring you the truth about acupuncture. Another article will bring you the newest discoveries concerning lymphatic drainage.

This winter, you will undoubtedly enjoy the “hottest” revelations in heat therapy treatments. In the Spring, we will tell you the secrets of Lyme Disease treatment, as well as detailed accounts about I.V. therapy success.

If you are new to our website, click here to discover how we can create a customized, comprehensive plan to create a healthier, happier “you.”

You Are Invited

Meanwhile, we plan to keep you informed about strategic seminars and upcoming events at The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine. If you read our weekly posts, you will discover some of the stories behind the seminars. We know your time is precious, so this blog will help you make an informed decision to attend one of our special seminars.

As we have said previously on this website, “A well-informed patient and a skilled doctor form a partnership to create effective health care.”

By the way, we always give you plenty of advance notice:   So…Save The Date! A very special seminar will be presented on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 6:00-7:00 PM at The Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine. The title of the seminar will be “Restoring your Body’s Balance.”  Our program will include information about: Nutritional Balance, with Kiara Oberhaensli, Hormonal Balance with Dr. Moraczewski, and Supplement balance for overall health, with Stephanie Kuzicki, acupuncturist.

We will bring you more details as the date draws closer, but we suggest you mark those calendars now, because you won’t want  to miss the amazing information created  by our specialists.

An Introduction To Zyto

Technology has given us a new key to restoring your body balance; bio-communication. The Center recently acquired a top-of-the line piece of diagnostic equipment that uses bio-communication to aid doctors in discovering what bodily systems should be brought into balance to restore health. This tool looks much like an oversized computer mouse.

The Zyto operates in this manner: “Using the body’s natural energetic field, a communication link is established between the patient and the computer via the Zyto hand cradle. Through this connection, Zyto sends stimuli and then records the body’s response.”

The responses of your body can be considered a sort of conversation between your body and the computer programs that analyze your health needs. “This conversation is called bio-communication, and it provides insights into health and wellness.”

Next week, we will bring you a spot light blog article about Zyto so that you will learn the intense value of this new method of medical testing. If you just can not wait, we invite you to visit this informative source, from the makers of Zyto.

We will be bringing you healthy holiday tips, and some very appropriate commentary on the mysterious connection between depression and gift giving. The doctors and staff of The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine thank you for visiting our blog today. We send you warm wishes of  health, hope and happiness during this Holiday month.

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