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Valentine thoughts – Do you have a healthy heart?

According to the latest estimates by the American Heart Association, over 64 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. Fortunately there are ways to significantly lower your chance of developing heart disease and reverse the effects of a current heart condition you may have. Each day this week we will focus on the top 5 things you can do to lower your risk of heart disease.

1. Follow a heart healthy diet-

Limit or better yet, cut out trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in baked goods, fast food and fried  foods.

Limit refined sugar as found in candy, cakes and cookies. Try stevia instead.

Use extra virgin olive oil and garlic in cooking. They can help lower cholesterol.

Add omega 3 fatty acids to your diet. The best source is fish oil.

Our nutrition educator can guide and help you with heart healthy recipes and menu planning ideas. Not only will a healthy diet reduce heart disease, a great side effect is weight loss as well as better control of diabetes.

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