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Why Do I Keep Getting Constipated?

There’s one thing that we can all agree on: Constipation is an uncomfortable condition to avoid at all costs. When you’re constipated, it means that you’re experiencing difficult or irregular bowel movements. People with constipation tend to have fewer than [...]

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Why Good Digestion Is the Foundation of Our Health

When you think about the foundation of good health, you may not immediately think of digestion. But, your digestive system affects virtually every facet of your health, whether you realize it or not.  The Function of The Digestive System The [...]

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Detoxify for Deeper Healing

The human body is designed to heal itself. It has numerous self-repair processes that kick into gear whenever you’re injured or ill.  Unfortunately, the modern world doesn’t do your self-healing capabilities many favors. Exposure to everyday toxins like those found [...]

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Why Gut Health Matters

Gut health is a hot topic in the medical field today. But, why exactly is gut health important?  Many people assume that the gut only affects the digestive system. While the gut is essential for digestion, it also has far-reaching [...]

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The Dangers of Hidden Food Allergies

Food allergies are common, impacting approximately 26 million adults and 5.6 million children in the United States. Oftentimes, food allergies appear in childhood and may either persist into adulthood or go away over time.  Certain food allergies cause severe, anaphylactic [...]

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