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The Importance of Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is now widely talked about among patients and physicians alike. But, what role does functional medicine play in your health and wellness? In this article, we’ll explore the importance of functional medicine and how it may help you [...]

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6 Signs Your Hormones Are Out of Balance

Hormones are chemicals that your body naturally produces to regulate growth, reproduction, blood pressure, energy, hunger, and a broad range of other processes. Released by the endocrine system, hormones are essential to the body’s day-to-day functioning.   Unfortunately, various factors can [...]

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Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Issue

The thyroid is a small endocrine gland located at the front of the neck. It produces two hormones, T4 and T3, which control your metabolism.  Unfortunately, thyroid problems are relatively common. In fact, about 20 million Americans have a form [...]

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Why Do I Keep Getting Constipated?

There’s one thing that we can all agree on: Constipation is an uncomfortable condition to avoid at all costs. When you’re constipated, it means that you’re experiencing difficult or irregular bowel movements. People with constipation tend to have fewer than [...]

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Why Good Digestion Is the Foundation of Our Health

When you think about the foundation of good health, you may not immediately think of digestion. But, your digestive system affects virtually every facet of your health, whether you realize it or not.  The Function of The Digestive System The [...]

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