At the Center for Natural and Integrated Medicine, we advise you to balance the time you dedicate to food, activity, and fun. Rather than a long holiday healthy eating guide, with a long list of rules and regulations, the Center [...]
Whether you and your friends and family celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or all three, the holidays can be times of difficult stress and depression. This is the reason The Center for Natural and Integrative Health is bringing you a Survivor’s [...]
At the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine, we want you to have a joyous Thanksgiving, just as we hope you will enjoy the other wonderful coming Winter Holidays. However, we hope you will pack on the memories with family [...]
At the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine, we know that what you eat can empower your immune system to fight off the season’s colds and flu. This blog is dedicated to giving you a list of some of the [...]
Ah-choo! You probably know that the cold and flu season is now in effect.That is why The Center For Natural and Integrative Medicine thinks it is especially appropriate to present a unique seminar on how to “Boost Your Immune System,”November [...]