This week, the Center for Natural and Integrative medicine shines the spotlight on meditation. You have the opportunity to learn the basic skills of meditation from Dr. Romy at 10:00 a.m. on March 21st. Not only will you learn how [...]
Please consider this blog a personal invitation to the Center for Natural and Integrative Health, for our seminar Happy Hormones: Slim Belly. Join us at 6:00 pm on March 19, 2015. You will discover the truth behind what is making [...]
Once again, our blog at the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine shines the spot light on the special topic which we opened at the first of the year: maintaining a healthy heart. Undoubtedly, you have heard some of our [...]
We interrupt our special blogs on the “Heart Owner’s Manual,” to bring you some much-needed information about your health and your lymphatic system. The end of February will bring you a very special seminar at the Center for Natural and [...]
In our previous blog article, the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine endorsed a healthy heart as the greatest “Valentine” you could give to your loved ones. In that blog we also covered some Heart Healthy eating habits. Those habits [...]